Lebanon is one of the few countries in the world where you can go skiing in the morning and to the beach in the afternoon – only for a few days of the year, mind you, but it’s a good indication of the diversity of experiences you can experience in a short trip.
With stunning beach resorts filled with beautiful people near Byblos, incredible food and awe-inspiring archaeological and architectural sites – the Beiteddine Palace and Temple of Jupiter are just two – it’s easy to brush off the higher stress of the crowded cities. On the other hand Beirut has been referred to as a “beautiful, rowdy, intoxicated mess”, and there is definitely more to it than the political strife that so often captures the headlines. Then there’s Tripoli, which, while extremely religious, offers impressive architecture from Crusader and Ottoman eras, as well as one of the most interesting souks in the country.
Be sure to keep an eye on travel warnings: after decades of civil war, the country is by no means in a completely peaceful state. If the time’s right, however, get onto a flight. It’s a country that will make you eat (entirely too much), think and pray to return to soon.