Ring the doorbell on the black door and a member of the waitstaff, in full face paint and enchanting costume, will transport you into a world of ‘drink me’ potions. Stepping into this dimly lit bar is a little bit like falling down Alice’s rabbit hole. Taking its inspiration from the Märchenbrunnen (fountain of fairytales) across the road in Volkspark Friedrichshain, this tiny establishment gets full marks for its air of mysticism.
Everywhere you peer there seems to be a secret door, cabinet of curiosities or mirror that contorts facial features so you may not recognise yourself. Or perhaps that’s thanks to the cocktails. Each is expertly crafted and perfectly presented. The Cinderella, for instance, is served in a glass slipper. The drinks lists are fairytale books and when you take a browse, you will be greeted with a special surprise…no spoilers!
Fairytale Bar