WIN: A year of adventureGo Pro and Adrenaline
Looking for work? How does getting paid to travel, skydive, climb and capture content for the world's premier adventure content specialists sound?
Even if you're not in the market for a new job, we think this one is probably cooler than the one you've got.
Adrenaline and GoPro are on the hunt for an adventure-seeking content creator to become an official Adrenaline creator in 2022. This means swapping the office for cliffs, the ocean, the dunes and the sky. Sounds cool, right?
The role sees one grand prize winner receive a $100,000 contract to participate in and shoot 12 adventures across four campaigns for the adventure marketplace over a year-long period.
This means travelling around the world and filming epic adventures and experiences. It's being billed as 'The Best Job in the World' but it actually is, the best job in the world.
Photography and adventure enthusiasts can enter from today by uploading a photo or video of their adventurous activity to the GoPro awards website.
The competition is live until March 31st, 2022 - head to the Adrenaline website to enter, or the GoPro website to enter your content.