Cosy up with King PenguinsSt Andrews Bay, South Georgia
Love coos through the air on the island of South Georgia. Each October and November, hundreds of thousands of king penguins carpet the valleys and plains of this crown jewel of the Antarctic – one of the world’s most remote and wildlife-dense islands – in a bid to woo a companion and pop out an egg. Become the object of curiosity at St Andrews Bay, where more than 150,000 couples coat the landscape, then head to Elshul to spot gentoo and macaroni penguins, with orange feathers splayed on their heads, and albatross flaunting their famous wings.

At this time of year there’s more to see on the island than birds pining for love – listen, too, for the roar of southern elephant seals and Antarctic fur seals rasping at the air. Watch them lounge around before peak breeding season takes hold and dangerous armies of males rage on shore with their testosterone pumping.
You’ll fly with the tour operator from Santiago, Chile, to the Falkland Islands to begin your adventure.
Cheesemans’ Ecology Safaris takes travellers to South Georgia and the Falkland Islands on 19-day tours. Double rooms start at US$15,195 per person, and triple rooms cost US$12,895 per person.
Your fitness won’t be tested much on this trip, but your ability to withstand freezing temperatures certainly will.
Cheesemans’ Ecology Safaris