Grenada Underwater Sculpture ParkSt. Georges, Grenada
A circle of children hold hands in eerie stillness while nearby, a man sitting at a desk taps blankly at his typewriter.
This surreal world lies beneath the calm waters of Grenada’s Molinere Bay where are number of life-size figures made mainly from concrete sit at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea, nibbled by tropical fish.
Hurricane Ivan swept through the tiny Caribbean island of Grenada in 2004 tearing up trees, houses - in fact, anything that stood in its path. The destruction occurred underwater too. The coral surrounding the island that had made it so appealing to snorkellers and divers was also severely damaged.

Killing two birds with one stone, sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor installed a series of underwater sculptures which also act as artificial reeds on which marine life can develop. They have attracted tourists armed with snorkels and diving gear, easing pressure on other reefs in the area, and have also drawn a wide range of marine life back to these waters.
The sculpture park continues to grow, with artists continuing to add their own work to the surreal space.
There are a number of dive shops located along the length of Grand Anse Beach near St George’s. Dive Grenada is located right at the end by the Flamboyant Hotel.
If diving, and even snorkelling, is not your thing, then you can still view the sculptures in a glass bottom boat.