
Chasing Big StormsTexas, USA

Don’t whinge about bad weather – go out and shadow box with it. Several operators in the US offer storm-chasing tours, but one in particular guarantees to put the wind right up you. Ride shotgun with Warren Faidley – the “world’s first full-time, storm-chasing journalist”, according to his business card, and star of the Discovery Channel’s Hurricane Chaser – as he drives his pimped-up mega ute in the general direction of tornados and other angry weather phenomena.

The tragedy in Oklahoma City – when a twister veered violently off its predicted course and killed 18 people, including a veteran storm chaser – underlined the power of Mother Nature’s wrath and cast a shadow over the twister-tracking industry (it attracts its share of red-neck amateurs), but Warren is considered a consummate professional in the field. Based out of Amarillo in Texas, Oklahoma City or Denver – depending on where the whirly action is – Warren’s company boasts a 100 per cent success rate with its stand-by tornado chases. Bring spare undies.

A five-day tour costs US$4999.

Storm Expeditions Unlimited

Ready to go?

Tags: Amarillo, photography, Texas, united states of america, unusual experience, usa

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