Make like Tarzan and Jane on a jungle canopy mega swing

Give your zip-lining mates the look. You know, the one that says, “That is seriously lame.” While they spend their days zooming horizontally across the lush tropical canopy near Monteverde, you can get in on the original King of the Jungle act.

Beat your chest, grab the rope (alright, we know you’re wearing a harness) and fling yourself off the platform built 45 metres above the jungle. There’s no dismounting on the next tree though; modern-day Tarzans (and Janes) make like a human pendulum, swinging 150 metres before being deposited softly on the ground.

Seek out Spirit Bears

Shy, elusive and shrouded in mystery, the enchanting white bears that roam the pristine river valleys of British Columbia are a rare genetic anomaly. Spirit bears – also known as the kermode bear or moskgm’ol (white bear) – are relatives of the black bear, but a single recessive gene causes one in 10 to be born with a white coat. Embark on a spirit bear tour during September when a banquet of salmon leaps from the water in a frenzied surge upstream.

Travelling by boat to the Great Bear Rainforest, you’ll traverse lush valleys and bubbling rivers on foot so your guide can bring you within a stone’s throw of these magnificent animals. Watch with wonder as they forage for berries or gorge on freshly caught fish. The bears are protected by the Kitasoo Spirit Bear Conservancy – the only conservancy of its kind in the world – and the local Kitasoo Xaixais people have a vast knowledge of the species dating back thousands of years. Lean on their expertise for a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with these fur balls you’ll want to cuddle but definitely shouldn’t.

Cycle Montreal’s Hidden Gems

Pedal beyond Old Montreal and get a feel for neighbourhood life in one of the hippest cities around on a tour with Fitz & Follwell Co. Get in touch with the bohemian side of town from Mile End to Outremont and Little Italy, exploring some of the town’s trendiest laneways and cafe-lined boulevards off the tourist track.

Enjoy a thick espresso with the locals, discover art galleries, and learn what makes each borough tick. Munch on fresh bagels and gather a picnic lunch from the Jean-Talon Market. Your guides have so many pearls to share they often lose track of time, so leave yourself plenty so you don’t miss out on the gems.

Cruise for Jaguars

There aren’t many animals that can render a caiman lifeless with one crushing bite that punctures the brain and pulverises bones. Jaguars can. Distinguished by their rosette-shaped black spots, these fierce yet graceful predators of the jungle are the third-largest of the big cats, after lions and tigers. Once found roaming across large swathes of the Americas, today jaguars are an almost threatened species.

If you want to see these majestic beasts in the wild, one of the best places is Brazil’s Pantanal, the world’s largest wetland and home to one of the densest concentrations of wildlife on the planet. July is the dry season in these parts, when the jaguar’s prey clusters around shrinking waterways, luring the cats close. During a boat safari through the Meeting of the Waters State Park, also known as the Jaguar Zone, you’ll get within a whisker of these water-happy felines. If you’re lucky, you might even witness these killer cats in action as they lunge at deer, caiman and tapir.

New Year’s Eve in Ipanema

A NYE party in Rio is a no-brainer, but head out to the beach for a bit of calm and to pay homage to Iemanja, the Macumba deity of the sea. As the sun sets, crowds gather at the shore to leave flowers and cast off small boats filled with offerings to the goddess, in the hope that she’ll fulfil their wishes for the coming year. But make sure the tides are in your favour – if the waves bring back your gift, it’s believed that Iemanja has rejected your wish.

Learn polo in Argentina

If you thought polo was reserved for the British aristocracy, think again. Argentina is the planet’s polo powerhouse, producing more champions than every other nation combined. At Estancia El Venado, about two hours’ drive south of Buenos Aires, you can get in the saddle and have a go at whacking a ball with a mallet at a polo school located on a working cattle ranch. Be trained by the pros, take to the field for a game and learn about the ranch’s horse-breeding program.

You don’t need any prior riding experience to participate, but if thundering down the field chasing a ball on horseback rattles your nerves, there are plenty of tamer activities on hand. Take part in a cattle muster with a real-life gaucho (cowboy), swing under the treetops in a hammock, kayak the Salado River, or just soak up the surroundings of the ranch, which has been kept in the family for four generations.

Spot thousands of flamingos at Laguna Colorada

Welcome to a natural landscape that appears positively extraterrestrial. Laguna Colorada, meaning red lake, is a shallow salt lake in Bolivia’s Altiplano (high plains), more than 4,260 metres above sea level. The lake is less than a metre deep and owes its unusual colour to red minerals and algae, which lure flocks of rare species of flamingo.

The name is no exaggeration – the water ranges from hues of salmon pink to blood red, which, when contrasted with the white borax islands, snow-capped Andes in the distance and vivid blue sky, creates a magical effect. Come here for a close-up look at the distinctive landscape and to snap brag-worthy photographs. No filter required.

Climb the colossal Mount Roraima

A colossal tabletop mountain that broke through the earth’s crust two billion years ago, Mount Roraima looks like something from an Avatar set. With a 2,810-metre summit surrounded by 400-metre sheer cliffs, Roraima forms one of South America’s most striking landscapes. And you can climb it. The mountain crosses the borders of Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana, but is most often tackled from the north-west in Venezuela.

The trek begins in Pareitepuy, where you traverse open savannah landscape, crossing rivers and fields of orchids, before climbing through a cloud forest and ascending a natural staircase up the cliff face. Once on the plateau, pray for a clear view (the summit is usually cloaked in cloud), but don’t be dismayed if it’s a whiteout as there’s plenty more to see. Explore curious rock formations, caves, gorges and waterfalls, and keep your eyes peeled for black frogs and carnivorous plants.

Lençóis Maranhenses: Brazil’s sweeping dunes

After a day in the sun, you could be forgiven for thinking this magical expanse of sand and water is a mirage. Stretching across 1500 square kilometres of Brazil’s tropical north-east coast, Lençóis Maranhenses comprises a series of blue-green pools that ripple through crescent-shaped dunes like strokes of ink on parchment. Known as the ‘bedsheets of Maranhão’ (named after the state of the same name), the beach is a sight to behold.

When it rains (from January to June) water fills the valleys and crevices up to three metres deep, held fast by watertight rock beneath the sand. The lagoons are at their peak between July and September and tours run regularly from São Luís, the capital of Maranhão, and from Barreirinhas, just outside the national park. Bring your togs and prepare for a memorable swim.

Brazil’s colossal Inhotim Art gallery

Where can you find outdoor sculptures, art pavilions and more than 4000 plant species all in one place? At Inhotim. Sprawled across more than 140 hectares of botanical gardens in south-eastern Brazil, this colossal open-air art gallery and contemporary museum is a world unto itself. Pick up a map, choose your route and lose yourself in an aesthetic wonderland.

The gallery features notable artists from Brazil and around the world, with each installation showcasing a unique perspective of the relationship between art and nature. Many of the pieces are interactive, and you’ll find yourself wandering through interpretive forests, lakes and valleys. The gallery’s size almost guarantees a second visit, since it’s impossible to see everything in one day (multi-day passes are available). Explore on foot, join a tour or, for about AU$10, cruise around in a chauffeur-driven golf cart.