
Slumber in a Time CapsulePahang, Malaysia

Malaysia is a long way from Middle-earth, but the charming family-run lodgings, Time Capsule Retreat, will have your getting your hobbit on. Tucked away in lush forest in the peninsula state of Pahang, the delightful capsule rooms are made from pipe cylinders, with floor-to-ceiling glass at the opening letting light and green views right in. At two metres by three metres, the rooms are cosy and simple but large enough to accommodate a queen-size bed. They are air-conditioned but you’ll have to share a bathroom with your neighbour.

get there

Time Capsule Retreat is around 325 kilometres from Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

  • Queen-size bed
  • Air conditioning
  • Shared bathroom facilities
  • Common room with TV, wi-fi, refrigerator, and coffee and tea facilities

Rooms cost from US$30 a night.

Time Capsule Retreat

Ready to go?

Tags: malaysia, Pahang, unique hotel, unusual experience

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