
Holy Writings in RishikeshUttarakhand, India

Forget Eat, Pray, Love – if anyone has inspired a pilgrimage to India’s ashrams, it’s The Beatles. Chaurasi Kutia, the ashram of guru and creator of transcendental meditation, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, whom the group was so enamoured by, was the holy site where the band famously spent weeks penning songs that would eventually fill the vinyl of the White Album.

While it’s rumoured the Beatles left shortly after they arrived (Ringo Starr left after just 10 days, while Paul McCartney only stayed for a month) this ashram is a famous part of the Beatles’ history. Until recently, the abandoned buildings – like the Beatles Cathedral Gallery, which was brought to life by the art of street artist Pan Trinity Das – had been reclaimed by the surrounding wilderness. In 2015, the grounds were reopened to the public and are now run by the forest department.

Also called 108 Ashram, Chaurasi Kutia, is located in an area known as “Ground Zero” which is surrounded by ashrams and temples and is rich with history and culture from the centuries old tradition of famous yogis and rishis attending pilgrimages and retreats.

Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board

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Tags: ashram, beatles, india, rishikesh, Top 5 Rockstar Blow Outs

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